
How To Create A Handsome Study

Category: Accent chairs, Antiques, Area rugs, Arm chairs, Artifacts, Artisans, Artwork, Audio, Automation, Books, Carved Wood, Carving, Casual elegance, Chairs, Character, Chicago, Chicago design, Chicago interior design, Chicago interior designers, Clients, Contemporary artwork, Controls, Cozy rooms, Decorating, Desks, Fireplaces, Found objects, Furniture, Furniture statement pieces, Get organized, Hand work, Home controls, Home improvement, Ideas, interior decorating, Interior design, Jean-Michel Frank, Lake Shore Drive, Lutron, Makeover, New home office, Patron, Private clubs, Renovation, River North Design District, Rugs, Smart home, Smart home technology, Storage, Study, Transforming space, Video
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Most designers tend to throw around favorite words, I suspect I do too. If you know me, you already know I tend to use the H word quite often....

5 Gorgeous Ways To Select Outdoor Furniture

Category: Arm chairs, Carved Wood, Carving, Casual elegance, Chair crush, Chairs, Chicago, Chicago design, Chicago interior design, Chicago interior designers, Clients, Color, Decorating, Dogs, Fireplaces, Gardens, Home staging, Ideas, interior decorating, Kitchens, Lake Shore Drive, Live it up, Makeover, Outdoor Entertaining, Photography, Renovation, River North Design District, Smart home, Transforming space, Travel, Unique pieces
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I have Springtime on my mind! This is a tough road to travel for an interior designer or anyone who lives in Chicago during the winter season. I want...

5 Surefire Ways To Design Like A Professional Designer

Category: Antiques, Artifacts, Artisans, Artwork, Autumn decorating, Carved Wood, Carving, Casual elegance, Chicago, Chicago design, Chicago interior design, Chicago interior designers, Clients, Color, Contemporary artwork, Cozy rooms, Decorating, Fall decorating, Found objects, Helping others, Home improvement, Ideas, interior decorating, Interior design, New home office, Photography, Redo, Renovation, Romantic rooms, Transforming space, Wallpaper, White
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Each day we are inundated with gorgeous images of rooms we drool over. Many people do not understand there is an art to putting spaces together. I recently met...

How To Transform Your Space With Soulful Artwork

Category: Antiques, Arm chairs, Artifacts, Artisans, Artwork, Bedding, Bedrooms, Beds, Carved Wood, Casual elegance, Chairs, Character, Chicago, Chicago design, Chicago interior design, Chicago interior designers, Clients, Color, Contemporary artwork, Cozy rooms, Decorating, Desks, Draperies, Found objects, Furniture, Furniture statement pieces, Hand work, Helping others, Home improvement, Home staging, interior decorating, Interior design, Lake Shore Drive, Light fixtures, Makeover, Master bedrooms, New bedroom, New home office, Patron, Photography, Private clubs, Redo, Renovation, River North Design District, Romantic rooms, Sarah Raskey, Transforming space, Travel
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If you know me, you understand how important artwork is as I transform interiors. Art is a fundamental part of my personal life as well. I'm constantly explaining how...

Character Study

Category: Accent chairs, Antiques, Arm chairs, Artifacts, Artisans, Artwork, Bedrooms, Beds, Bergere chair, Carved Wood, Carving, Casual elegance, Chairs, Character, Charles Eames, Chicago, Chicago design, Chicago interior design, Chicago interior designers, Clients, Cozy rooms, Decorating, Desks, Fauteuil, Fireplaces, Found objects, Furniture, Furniture statement pieces, Hand work, Home improvement, Home staging, Ideas, interior decorating, Interior design, Lake Shore Drive, Light fixtures, Live it up, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, Makeover, Master bedrooms, New bedroom, New home office, Private clubs, Ray Eames, Redo, Renovation, River North Design District, Romantic rooms, Transforming space, Travel, Unique pieces, Wallpaper
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Are you a good judge of character? This post is all about adding character to a room. Many of us think this comes from a paneled room, thick moldings...
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