Paradise Found

Category: Ideas
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Over the last few months, I had the pleasure of visiting a number of people in Chicago and further afield. The visits are always fun and vary greatly; some...

Is Elegance Back?

Category: Ideas
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When I was a young designer, I was filled with many lofty ideas, of course I thought I knew everything. How sobering to grow older realizing how much much...

A Place Of Your Own

Category: Ideas
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It's important to come to terms with the space around us, sometimes this can be difficult without help. It can be a tricky subject since we all respond to...

10 Surefire Ways To A Glamorous Room

Category: Accent chairs, Antiques, Area rugs, Arm chairs, Artisans, Artwork, Bedding, Bedrooms, Beds, Carpeting, Casual elegance, Chair crush, Chairs, Change, Character, Chicago, Chicago design, Chicago interior design, Chicago interior designers, Clients, Color, Contemporary artwork, Cozy rooms, Decorating, Desks, Draperies, Francine Turk, Furniture statement pieces, Hand work, Ideas, interior decorating, Interior design, Kitchens, Lake Shore Drive, Light fixtures, Live it up, Master bedrooms, New home office, Renovation, River North Design District, Sarah Raskey, Travel, Unique pieces, Wallpaper, White
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  Hello gorgeous, you look fantastic! Oh yes, I'm talking to you, but your space, hmm that's another story. While you're a knockout (I'm a great judge after all) your...
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Kenneth Walter is a professional Interior Designer who sends design tips, ideas, and inspiration by email. Sign up today (double opt-in so you must confirm).

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