Available at docapet.com, $30-$188.
On May 9th, we are hosting a private event at the Merchandise Mart’s DreamHome to benefit the Anti-Cruelty Society. If you would like an invitation, please contact us. So, in keeping with our upcoming event we thought it appropriate to write about pets!
There is no better feeling than coming home to my dogs after a rough day at the office. I know I’m not alone in showing a lack of self-restraint when it comes to pampering my pooches. As an interior designer, my clients often ask me to come up with solutions to tackle messy pet problems. A few things I like to recommend:
1- I think its important to have cleanable materials when you have dogs, use common sense when selecting textiles to begin with. It’s best if you have dogs or little kids to remember this. I personally recommend clean white towels (cloth or paper) to pick up nasty stains. The sooner the better, the trick is to get the “offense” up quickly, remove as much from the surface as possible, then follow up with fresh club soda. I keep a stock of small bottles so the soda is always extra fizzy, this really helps pull out the tough stains. The really bad ones will need professional help from time to time but I’m a huge believer in club soda. We have a secret trove of fantastic fabrics that are beyond pet friendly. You would be amazed what fabrics we have access to.
2- Professionally seal your furniture and rugs annually.

3- Wool rugs are much more pet stain friendly
4- Create a designated pet area where floors are porcelain tile and can be cleaned easily. This area can accommodate food storage, storage for extra towels and blankets, a bathing area with a hand-spray and built in water and food bowls. It’s also great to provide hooks for hanging leashes and towels.
5- Dog stuff can clutter up your interior very easily. We love having baskets around for toy storage. The container store has lots of great options.
Some of our favorite items for the pampered pooch:

Available at trixieandpeanut.com, $29.