No More Compromises


It was a busy summer, now that fall is officially here I’m feeling nostalgic.  I always get that way when summer is over. This October begins my seventh year of blogging. Writing a blog is a labor of love, just like interior design. I’m so grateful to have exciting projects in the works, I love to be busy. What’s on my mind now? I want to share my mood and thoughts about the things I love and find inspiring.



I’m sick and tired of compromising. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not talking about the give-and-take in our relationships that are meaningful to us. What I’m talking about is settling for mediocrity in our lives. We’re continuing to live in a disposable society and I won’t have it any longer. Many of us have stopped caring and have cashed in our chips way too soon. What do I mean by this?



Buying and settling for substandard merchandise made in a non-sustainable way which is so very bad for the environment.

Doubting your self worth by letting people marginalize you.



Make time for you, you are so important. You need to spend time on yourself. Eat right, exercise and do what makes you happy.



Stop buying what you don’t want because it’s “good enough” rather than investing in quality. Buy the very best you can afford, you’ll only cry once by buying intelligently.

Having relationships with people who don’t make you feel your self worth. Love and friendship are a two way street. Don’t let anyone make you feel you’re not of value. It’s better to be alone than with someone who makes you feel bad about yourself.



Buying furnishings and other things online you can’t see, feel and inspect. People think online shopping is the “fast and inexpensive way”.  Trust me, it’s never fast or inexpensive when making significant purchases.



Think about the environment as much as you can, reduce your carbon footprint as much as possible. Recycle, reuse, shop locally. We’re only passing through here once, we need to leave this world a better place when we’re no longer here.



Thanks for letting me share my thoughts of the moment. Feel free to write with your thoughts on this or anything for that matter. I’d love to hear from you!



Happy Fall to you-


PS  It takes a village to produce this blog. A special shout out to Mark, Tony, Lucy, Lauren & Kathleen. Thank you for your inspiration and love.


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