I Want To See You Dance Again

Do you ever feel distracted? I’m not talking about being in one of those lazy moods when you say to yourself it’s raining so I’m going to relax today and read a book. I’m talking about the feeling when you’re pulled in too many different directions. This can come from your work, a significant other (or lack thereof), kids, family etc. I personally feel this pandemic, which some call a reset is also fatiguing. Many of us are distracted and on edge. I think this is the time to remain focused on the here and now.

That said, what have you done for yourself today? Are you being good to you? Sometimes I feel that I’m constantly reminding my family, friends and clients to follow this philosophy. I’m no sage believe me, it took decades to realize how we lose time and precious moments worrying about tomorrow instead of enjoying today. Being present is crucial, so let’s dance.





Where do we begin…?




Perhaps it’s time to redo a room, an entire floor, renovate a kitchen or bathroom, or add an addition. Sometimes we have spaces (hello, empty nesters) which need to be converted to something that brings you happiness. Are you ready to buy a new home, downsize to a condominium or move out of state? The possibilities are endless and quite exhilarating if you’re ready to embrace change.



It’s easy to get overwhelmed, it’s time to focus on what you need. Life is a marathon, it’s not how we start that matters. Where are we going, what are your goals? Don’t be afraid of a little introspection, the digger you deep the more you will learn. Sometimes we’re afraid to look too deeply, perhaps we won’t like what we find, that’s ok, really. I invite you to take the plunge, once you do you will understand yourself and your needs better.



I’ve been on a personal journey of self exploration for the last eight years, I think I know myself better now than when I was younger. I love to read, I strive to learn new things, challenging myself to try something every day. I’m learning new things about myself and our world constantly. What about you? Are you ready to begin a wonderful journey of self exploration and change? I’m here anytime you need me, let’s do something magical!



Let’s get lost together-



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