Making An Entrance

Kenneth Walter, Chicago Interior Designers, Gray & Walter Interior Design

Hello Gorgeous! You really made an effort putting yourself together, I love it–I really do! However, your Entry Foyer is another story. It’s always interesting to visit someone for the first time, I love to see a new entryway. Your foyer speaks volumes even before you give me a kiss and hug. I have some thoughts for you if you’re feeling a bit underwhelmed by your entrance, read on my little crocodile.

Kenneth Walter, Chicago Interior Designers, Gray & Walter Interior Design

Kenneth Walter, Chicago Interior Designers, Gray & Walter Interior Design

Many of my clients living in Chicago high rises have entry foyers that are so minimal they are almost non-existent. Another dreaded issue I face an interior designer is the “bowling alley” effect depicted above. I am a huge fan of glamour and impact so be warned, we will be creating something elegant with wow-factor. If your foyer is on the small side we will use a hand-made wallcovering or custom paint finish created by one of our special artisans. This is especially crucial if there is no room for any furniture in your entry. This conundrum is more common than you can imagine.

Kenneth Walter, Chicago Interior Designers, Gray & Walter Interior Design

If you live in a pre-war building you most likely have a long Gallery, this is typically located off the Foyer. Many consider this a terrible waste of space but is quite luxurious to have! This Gallery is executed skillfully with the use of doorways creating an illusion of extra space. The eye-catching marble floor is noteworthy.

Kenneth Walter, Chicago Interior Designers, Gray & Walter Interior Design

This Hacienda in California has a lovely wide, rectangularly shaped Foyer, almost a square. The inviting space features knotty pine flooring and a lovely beamed ceiling. The warm space is quite a sight to behold, it has an understated elegance which is slightly traditional yet modern all at once.

Kenneth Walter, Chicago Interior Designers, Gray & Walter Interior Design

This cozy space located off of a very wide Gallery holds a sweet little surprise. This alcove to the side of the monumental stair provides a cozy space with original terrazzo dating back to the 19th century. The Gallery is so spacious there is room for a baby grand piano. While most people do not have this kind of space, it is a great reminder how to create multi-purpose areas within a home.

Kenneth Walter, Chicago Interior Designers, Gray & Walter Interior Design

While this Entry may be too fussy for most people I think it is important to note the spectacular feeling it evokes. I am delighted by the stunning coloration and lovely details. The blue doors are a pleasant surprise too.

Kenneth Walter, Chicago Interior Designers, Gray & Walter Interior Design

This lovely space located off the actual Foyer is a handsome ante-room to the Living Room and Dining Room. The floor is well executed and the center table superb. The floor could be replicated in stone or stenciled on wood. The warm white walls provide a wonderful backdrop since there is a lot going on in the space.

Kenneth Walter, Chicago Interior Designers, Gray & Walter Interior Design

I love this simple and elegant Foyer. The wood flooring and boiserie are the stars of the show. The furnishings and art are minimal, they complement the space perfectly. White paint proves to be our friend yet again.

Whenever I begin work on an Entry Foyer I cannot stop hearing my mother’s voice from years ago: “always put your best foot forward”. The same can be said about your foyer. I look forward to creating the space of your dreams, I promise you will make a memorable entrance!

Big Hugs,

Kenneth Walter, Chicago Interior Designers, Gray & Walter Interior Design

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  • rovayart
    March 5, 2017 at 8:05 am 

    What is that song?.. ‘making my entrance again with my usual flair… isn’t it rich?’…Wow Kenneth, there’s plenty of flair here!

    • kennethfawalter
      March 30, 2017 at 6:45 pm 

      Rachel, that is so funny “Send in the clowns” should come to mind. It did to me as well. Great minds think alike, xoxo

    March 24, 2017 at 5:28 pm 

    I’m so amazed by your inspired ideas Kenneth! I love all of these entrances but have always been guilty of having something underwhelming. You really make me think about design and beautiful lines which is wonderful.

    • kennethfawalter
      March 30, 2017 at 6:47 pm 

      Thanks dear Emily, I think it’s important to inspire my clients and readers of the blog. I hope one day I too can live up to my expectations 😉 xoxo

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