Chicago Interior Design, Kenneth Walter Gray & Walter Interior Design

I have Springtime on my mind! This is a tough road to travel for an interior designer or anyone who lives in Chicago during the winter season. I want my clients to feel comfortable at all times, that includes telling me their honest opinion. I experience hesitancy sometimes when we are doing a project that requires outdoor furniture. My clients have said: we don’t have a long enough outdoor season, our summers are so unpredictable, we don’t live in Florida, should we even bother…I get it, I feel your pain too. However, we don’t have to live like monks (unless we are), yes Virginia, we can embrace the beautiful weather when it hits, so let’s get ready for warmer weather my little crocodiles!

Chicago Interior Design, Kenneth Walter, Gray & Walter Interior Design

  1. Get out of Dodge! Is the warm weather ever going to come? This is what I ask myself countless times from December to May, and sometimes still in June. It’s always refreshing to take a trip somewhere warm and sunny. Here are two gorgeous hotel rooms, but you can easily bring the outside in–even in the winter. There’s nothing more inspiring than being relaxed and enjoying some well-deserved time off for good behavior. This is the perfect way to begin the inspiration process, here are a two great examples.

Chicago Interior Design, Kenneth Walter, Gray & Walter Interior Design

Chicago Interior Design, Kenneth Walter, Gray & Walter Interior Design
You don’t have to live on an island or in the desert to employ some of these tricks. Why not try bringing nature in, consider neutrals or light colors, add greenery and light if you can, it will work wonders.

2. Having a great meal together is something most of us can agree upon. Many of us wish we had a terrific patio or terrace to entertain on. Not all of us have this lavish amount of space, but here are some tips we can use from any of these photos.

Chicago Interior Design, Kenneth Walter, Gray & Walter Interior Design

I really prefer round tables, look at this great lazy susan–genius!

Chicago Interior Design, Kenneth Walter, Gray & Walter Interior Design

This works very well in a more compact area

Chicago Interior Design, Kenneth Walter, Gray & Walter Interior Design

One of our clients has a huge pool area, this really helps when creating multiple groupings

Chicago Interior Design, Kenneth Walter, Gray & Walter Interior Design

Love this indoor/outdoor room, open the doors and let the breeze in!

Chicago Interior Design, Kenneth Walter, Gray & Walter Interior Design

Here is another great round table in a no-maintenance material

Chicago Interior Design, Kenneth Walter, Gray & Walter Interior Design

What a handsome mix!

3. Well now, let’s go out on a limb here…who doesn’t like to lounge around occasionally? Haha! Here are some gorgeous shots that are breathtaking as well as inspiring. So happy the sun is out today as I write this!

Chicago Interior Design, Kenneth Walter, Gray & Walter Interior Design
Chicago Interior Designer, Kenneth Walter, Gray & Walter Interior Design
Chicago Interior Designer, Kenneth Walter, Gray & Walter Interior Design

These photos show there’s really nothing like teak!

Chicago Interior Designer, Kenneth Walter, Gray & Walter Interior Design

Wicker and Teak, why not?

Chicago Interior Designer, Kenneth Walter, Gray & Walter Interior Design

I find this quite ship-shape, ahoy!

Chicago Interior Designer, Kenneth Walter, Gray & Walter Interior Design

Clean & Modern

4.  The big obstacle I find as an interior designer is many of our clients lack the required space to lay out furniture. This is typical in Chicago and many other cities across the country, fear not–I have solutions for those of us who are spatially challenged!

Chicago Interior Designer, Kenneth Walter, Gray & Walter Interior Design

Perfect grouping for a medium sized patio

Chicago Interior Designer, Kenneth Walter, Gray & Walter Interior Design

This is perfect for a back porch, terrace, or fire escape if space allows

Chicago Interior Designer, Kenneth Walter, Gray & Walter Interior Design

A compact dining solution in a happy orange

Chicago Interior Designer, Kenneth Walter, Gray & Walter Interior Design

Stack chairs can be a real blessing

Chicago Interior Designer, Kenneth Walter, Gray & Walter Interior Design

Sometimes all we have room for is a chair & table outside our door, this works!

5. I like to carve out little places to hide out, chill and take a breath, you’re welcome! Perhaps you have a little area we can convert into a delightful little haven.

Chicago Interior Designer, Kenneth Walter, Gray & Walter Interior Design

Just outside the kitchen or a hidden corner of the yard

Chicago Interior Designer, Kenneth Walter, Gray & Walter Interior Design

Perhaps off the driveway, behind the garage or near the pond

Chicago Interior Designer, Kenneth Walter, Gray & Walter Interior Design

Perfect for those oddly small areas of hardscape

Chicago Interior Designer, Kenneth Walter, Gray & Walter Interior Design

Why not seize the area off the kitchen for outdoor dining?

Chicago Interior Designer, Kenneth Walter, Gray & Walter Interior Design

I hope these ideas will inspire you to enjoy the warmer weather. You don’t have to live in California or the south to enjoy your outdoor area. Cheers to warmer weather, ring me up–I know we can come up with the perfect solution for you!
Happy Spring!

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  • Taylor Bishop
    October 6, 2017 at 2:11 pm 

    Thanks for the cool read about picking outdoor furniture. I like the idea of having a little place to hide out, like behind the garage or near a pond. My sister has been been thinking of changing her yard, so this could be an interesting read for her and may give her some ideas in the future.

    • kennethfawalter
      October 6, 2017 at 3:23 pm 

      I’m so happy to know that Taylor! I hope she can create a little oasis to retreat to. You deserve one too! Please let us know if we can be of service. Have a great weekend!

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